
Our scope

Our Value Offer

At PRAXIS we meet the needs and strategic projects of each business client. We provide the best technological solutions with our services, tools and software factories.

25 + Years in the market.

Presence in more of 10 + countries.

3 Software factories.

190 + Alliances around the world.

+ 15 Services.

6 Modalities of service.

18 + Years developing mission-critical and highly transactional projects.

1300 + Collaborators.


We generate value and empower each of our clients in their respective businesses and during their digital transformation processes.

Digital bartering

Practices that transform

Robust and reliable IT

In the data world

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Our Service Modalities

We offer through the best market practices, different forms of delivery of each of our services, to ensure full coverage of the needs of each of our customers.







At PRAXIS we know that collaborators are the most important capital we have. If you are an innovative person, who likes challenges and has great initiatives, we invite you to join this big technological family.

I want to be part of the PRAXIS family